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- Northern Cardinal (1 April 14)"m"
- Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (1 April 14)"m3"
- Pileated Woodpecker (1 April 14)"oss/tsr"
- Tufted Titmouse (1 April 14)"m3"
- Red-Bellied Woodpecker (1 April 14)"oss/tsr"
- Carolina Chickadee (1 April 14)"m2"
- Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher (1 April 14)"m3"
- Yellow-Rumped Warbler (1 April 14)"m3"
- Chipping Sparrow (1 April 14)"m"
- Indigo Bunting (1 April 14)"m"
- Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (1 April 14)"m"
- Wood Duck (1 April 14)"p"
- White-Throated Sparrow (1 April 14)"m"
- Carolina Wren (1 April 14)"bp"
- Common Ground-Dove (1 April 14)"m"
- Eastern Towhee (1 April 14)"m"
- Brown Thrasher (1 April 14)"m"
- Hooded Warbler (2 April 14)"tdt & m3"
- Great-Crested Flycatcher (3 April 14)"sofp"
- White-Eyed Vireo (3 April 14)"m"
- Yellow-Throated Warbler (3 April 14)"m"
- Mourning Dove (3 April 14)"m"
- Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (5 April 14)"m3"
- Blue Jay (8 April 14)"m3"
- Blue Grosbeak (8 April 14)"m"
- Canada Goose (9 April 14)"p"
- Yellow-Throated Vireo (9 April 14)"sofp/sojgp"
- Northern Flicker (10 April 14)"bod/scr#1"
- Common Grackle (10 April 14)"m"
- Kentucky Warbler (10 April 14)"bp"
- Wood Thrush (12 April 14)"cr#3/cc"
- Orchard Oriole (12 April 14)"m0"
- Summer Tanager (13 April 14)"mb"
- Eastern Bluebird (13 April 14)"m3/m4"
- Northern Mockingbird (16 April 14)"westofjg"
- Brown-Headed Cowbird (16 April 14)"wmnba"
- Worm-Eating Warbler (17 April 14)"jg"
- Red-Eyed Vireo (17 April 14)"m/o"
- Blue-Headed Vireo (17 April 14)"m0"
- Yellow-Breasted Chat (19 April 14)"westofjg"
- Pine Warbler (21 April 14)"m"
- Barred Owl (23 April 14)"bod/scr#1"
- Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (24 April14)"tsr/d"
- Gray Catbird (24 April 14)"m"