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- Northern Cardinal (1 June 15)"m"
- Common Ground-Dove (1 June 15)"m"
- Indigo Bunting (1 June 15)"m"
- Blue Grosbeak (1 June 15)"m"
- Eastern Towhee (1 June 15)"m"
- Chipping Sparrow (1 June 15)"m"
- Hooded Warbler (1 June 15)"tdt"
- Carolina Wren (1 June 15)"tdt"
- Pileated Woodpecker (1 June 15)"mb"
- Wood Thrush (1 June 15)"ro/p"
- White-Eyed Vireo (1 June 15)"pp"
- Red-Bellied Woodpecker (1 June 15)"tdt"
- Mourning Dove (1 June 15)"m"
- Wood Duck (1 June 15)"p"
- Tufted Titmouse (1 June 15)"ups/pog"
- Little Blue Heron (1 June 15)"p"
- Chimney Swift (1 June 15)"m"
- Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (1 June 15)"m"
- Brown Thrasher (2 June 15)"m"
- Prairie Warbler (2 June 15)"mb/pp"
- Gray Catbird (2 June 15)"d/jg"
- Common Grackle (2 June 15)"m"
- Carolina Chickadee (2 June 15)"m"
- Eastern Bluebird (3 June 15)"m"
- Red-Eyed Vireo (6 June 15)"scr#1/oss"
- Great-Crested Flycatcher (7 June 15)"tdt"
- Summer Tanager (8 June 15)"pp/m"
- Northern Flicker (8 June 15)"mb"
- Blue Jay (9 June 15)"ptatp"
- Downy Woodpecker (11 June 15)"ups"
- Kentucky Warbler (16 June 15)"pp"